Paul London
This policy of supplying, by opposite and rival interests, the defect [lack] of better motives, might be traced through the whole system of human affairs, private as well as public.
—James Madison, Federalist No. 51
The prosperity of commerce is now perceived and acknowledged by all enlightened statesmen to be the most useful as well as the most productive source of national wealth, and has accordingly become a primary object of their political cares.
—Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 12
Paul says that he is part of the Washington entertainment industry. People outside of Washington are eager to hear about how this government works and how economic policies fit into a historic perspective. Paul draws on his extensive experience and knowledge of economic and political history to give these audiences the historic context they want. He loves doing this based on his experience as an economist, advisor-to-politicians, professor of history, and author.
Paul has a perspective that is less cynical than most. He likes the politicians in both parties he has advised and observed. Having worked with Republicans and Democrats, his view is that deeply held beliefs and ideas, not money, usually drive American politics. Business people and academic groups outside of Washington ought to consider London’s unconventional views.
Why is there more competition now throughout the U.S. economy than there was in the immediate post-World War II period even in areas where international trade is not a factor? What has been the role of politics in this transformation? Who should get the credit and the blame?
How does nostalgia for America’s post-WW II economic dominance shape our thinking and our politics?
How does increased competition affect Federal Reserve monetary policy and government fiscal policy?
How were the Great Depression and the Great Recession alike and how were they different?
Why did the expanded role for government that both great political parties envisioned in 1912 (before World War I) fail to fully materialize in America?
Why is energy politics so badly understood? What can we learn from a forty-five year old article by Elizabeth Drew of The New Yorker entitled “The Energy Bazaar?”

“Paul, I had a wonderful time with your whole visit. Everyone at Metro Sales loved your talk and the wisdom and experience you could share with us. Your talk with the small lunch group was great and then you kept 70 people interested, alert and asking questions until it was time to stop.”
Jerry Mathwig, President, Metro Sales, Minneapolis, MN, Nov. 6, 2015